Councilman Chuck Grayeb

chuck-grayebMy friends: I want to talk a little bit about what is happening in our beloved City and Country. We are in a dangerous period when a single incident can divide us and set back all the progress we are making as a unified City with tolerance and love for all.

Moss/ Bradley has won a great award for its outstanding neighborhood features, but, more importantly, Moss/ Bradley exhibits an embrace of diversity and warm positive change. The strength of Moss/ Bradley is not in its homes or in its beautiful lawns. The strength of Moss/ Bradley is in the fundamental decency and loving nature of its exceptional people who are determined to love their neighbors as themselves.

As your elected leader, I rarely speak of such intangibles, focusing instead on our material progress. But, my friends, it is time for us to recommit ourselves to our neighbors and show them the love and respect which we all deserve.

MBRA is reflective of the greatness of all of District Two and, indeed, the entirety of our City. As I travel through our neighborhoods, I am so humbled to think of the many people who reside here who have built our community. Some are still in the living years and some have passed, leaving a hole in our hearts which we must fill.

Continued hard charging progress on our roads and public safety is at the top of my list and occupies my attention every single day. Since my election, I have been convinced that we must move fast and urgently to build and rebuild the core of our City. I have challenged Staff and have enjoyed your unwavering support.

As we move into the Fall and toward Election Day, may we give thanks that we have each other. Would we really want to live anywhere else at any other time?

Finally, I want to acknowledge the departure of a really good guy– our Public Works Director, Michael T. Rogers, who is a visionary and who has served all of us with probity and vision. Scott Reeise will be the new Public Works Director who will no doubt continue with the initiatives and progress all across our City.

Again, I am deeply privileged to be able to serve you and the people of Peoria. I will always be in your debt. Thank you Beth and Sid for all you do and your love of community. Together, we will not falter or grow tired.

Best, Chuck