Get To Know Your Neighbor – Brian and Sarah Gruber

Get to Know Your Neighbor-GruberStreet:
Moss Ave

Lydia (5) and Max (2)

Where were you born:
Brian was born in Peoria and Sarah in Lafayette IN

Who was the most influential person to you:
Brian – My grandparents Sarah – My parents

What type of music are you listening to now:
We both love all genres of music and you could find everything from country to alternative rock to jazz and classical in our music collection!

What was your first job:
Brian – paper route Sarah – check-out clerk at a grocery store

What accomplishment are you most proud of:
We are proud to be contributing members of our community and supporters of many local nonprofit and civic organizations.

What is special about where you live:
We love the culture in our neighborhood. We have met so many wonderful neighbors that have made us feel especially welcome.

We had our eye on the property long before we purchased the house and when a friend recently asked if it felt like home yet, our response was that it felt like home before we ever moved in.

I think that is truly a remarkable quality of our neighborhood and we love it here!