Thru the Windshield

How do we look to those passing by? Observations…questions…hopes…concerns

by Marjorie Klise

It doesn’t happen very often. As citizens go about their daily lives they seldom meet that politician who is a truly integrated human being. Oh, some are glib. Others are smart. Many work hard. A few really care about the populace rather than their political careers.

But to see it all wrapped up in one person is rare indeed. We don’t often find someone who is willing to stand up to the slings and arrows of the folks who prefer fast to thorough. The loneliness of the 9 to 1 vote is too hard for most of us.  And the council person is rare who gives so freely of their personal lives and institutional knowledge to answer the call of any citizen with a question or a problem or a grievance.

We had it for a while. We knew the importance of putting all five votes into the box for a single candidate. It was imperative that our city hear that point of view when it came to making civic decisions. His experience and his tenacity were matched by none. And other representatives knew the quality of that one voice even when they shrugged their shoulders and shook their heads. They disparaged the information and ignored it, but often at their own peril.

So, Gary Sandberg is gone, but there are lessons for us all:

1. Don’t miss a chance to thank someone for a job well done, or a kind gesture, or a brave act.
You may not have another chance.

2. Find that thing that excites your heart. Take it seriously and learn the rules. Do your homework.
Stand by your principles even when you stand alone.

 3. And when the music plays, dance!