The President’s Message


The secret of success in any large organization is good communication. Associations like ours is no different. Organizations that have good means of communicating usually end up with a more informed and happier membership.

The means of communication available to us are include our monthly newsletters, our annual meeting, monthly membership meetings, the MBRA website –, and informational e-mails. We use these resources regularly to communicate with each other and deliver content and information that we believe is relevant and important.

Some of what we communicate to you is general in nature and is not overly time-sensitive. We typically convey that information through our membership meetings and monthly newsletter. Time-sensitive information is distributed through email. We do so as it is today’s ideal way of reaching people who are difficult to otherwise reach.

Some recent examples of time sensitive communications include the quickly-called special membership meeting regarding the Washington School RFP process and updates on the progress of the Westminster signage issue.

Are these items unfamiliar to you??

For our communication to be effective we need to have as complete a system as possible so that we are communicating with as many of our MBRA members as possible. Many of you have provided us with your contact information with the renewal of your annual membership. However, our list of detail is still incomplete for others of you.

I ask those of you who have not supplied us with your email addresses to consider doing so. Your email address will not be shared with anyone and will be used to communicate MBRA -related subject matter.

Providing us your email is a simple process by emailing In doing so, please provide us your name, address, phone number and of course, email address.
