The President’s Message

March-2015A neighborhood has a profound impact on one’s quality of life, yet it is difficult to define. At its best, it fosters a sense of place and encourages social interaction.

As we all look at what we all call “our neighborhood”, what makes it great? A truly great neighborhood is one in sync with your current lifestyle. recently listed a number of components common to ALL great neighborhoods. Here are some of those components, listed in no particular order:

Pride in ownership

All great neighborhoods have this in common. Pride in ownership is obvious when the residents… “maintain their homes and care about their neighborhood.” Neighbors participate to connect and create local groups that bring the residents together for the betterment of the area.

Low crime rate

Low crime rates give a neighborhood a sense of ease and calm. As safety and security are everyone’s concern, crime is a quick way to tell if a neighborhood is improving or not. You can usually spot a transitional and improving neighborhood by the improvement or decline in its crime rates.

Outdoor activities abound

Being close to the outdoor adventures you love can sweeten the appeal of your neighborhood. Being super close to places to jog, or pedal can keep you riding high about your home. Proximity and access to tennis courts and golf courses are also qualities that keep your neighborhood on par.

Access to medical care

This is important for all residents, but especially for seniors and retirees looking to find that perfect place to retire and for families with young children. Being close enough to get to a hospital or doctor’s office quickly is key for many people in various stages of their lives.

Family friendly

Lots of other families in the neighborhood are a real draw for buyers with children. There are more opportunities for children to play, socialize, and make lifelong friends. Carpooling groups and other children’s programs are much more accessible when the neighborhood is overflowing with kiddos.

Close to public transportation

Easy access to public transportation is a fantastic plus for a neighborhood and an amenity for almost any lifestyle. From a commuting millennial to a retiree who wants to keep the car at home, public transit is a solid upgrade to any neighborhood.


Being able to leave the car keys at home and hit the pavement to walk to markets, shopping, restaurants, parks, and all the other amenities your neighborhood has to offer can alleviate a lot of road rage … and make you fall even deeper in love with your neighborhood.

Richard Florida, a noted urban theorist stated, “And then the most important factor is what I call the quality of the neighborhood itself. Does it have trees? Does it have open space? Does it preserve its historic architecture? In other words, does it have some kind of physical beauty? This quality, the aesthetic character, is the number one factor in making a great neighborhood.

So, how great is our neighborhood?

Brian Buralli
